21 March 2008

best online show evah!

so, everyone needs to watch this really awesome show I found called Life from the Inside. The description from the site is as follows, or, if you don't want to read, you can follow this link http://lifefromtheinside.com/episode_short04.php
"Mason Evan Harris was the best "English Language Foreign Holiday Novelty Songwriter" in the business. That was 5 years ago. Now that his money has run out, he's reluctantly come out of retirement to start a new career as a less-than-enthusiastic jingle writer. The road back to financial stability would be easier if his friends would just leave him alone...and if he was willing to leave his apartment."
Really hilarious!

The whole show is seriously funny, well written and quite original. It is hard to believe it is not a) on TV and b) professionally written/acted/produced. You can find the episodes at http://lifefromtheinside.com/episodes.php.

19 March 2008

"Black Book" and other good Movies

This movie is...awesome.
Over the course of the movie the characters speak 4 languages: Hebrew, Dutch, German and English. It takes place mostly during World War II. The main character is a Jewish women hiding from the Nazis in the Netherlands.
She is really pretty, like really pretty. In one scene she assists the resistance while wearing a long, flowy red dress.

There is a bunch of nudity in it (all the girls are actually pretty, but all the men are old and the only one we see...too much of...is a murderer and fat). But whole story is extraordinary, so we should all watch it. The action and story are so magnificent, one does not even recall if he or she is reading subtitles. Totally rad.

Next I am planning on watching another foreign film called "The Lives of Others." It is about post WWII East Germany (DDR). This one is in German, and according to my dad, the story is really good. According to Wikipedia, it got an Academy Award for best foreign film in '07. The story is about the Stasi and their spying/interrogation/etc methods. Sounds really interesting. It is another movie we need to see.

Last, I now own Enchanted, home of the new Disney princess Jazell (sp?). It is so funny to watch. The beginning of the movie I was convinced it was a parody film of Disney princess movies, but no! it is a real Disney movie. I love it so, so much. Also, it carries a good message: Don't marry the first guy/girl you fall in love with. Get to know them first.
Basically, the point of the film is to counteract the morals and ideas of love taught to girls by previous Disney films. Oh, speaking of, did you know you can read Hans Christian Anderson's original story The Mermaid on Google? I heard it is much more gruesome than the Disney version, I cannot wait to find out. The original Grimm's version of Cinderella is definitely better, so I am expecting this to be too.

18 March 2008

Obama's G-mom is a Racist

so, uhm, I just heard a bit from Obama's speech concerning his pastor (who is supposedly against the white community). In the little excerpt I heard, he talked about his white grandmother who he cannot abandon any more than he can abandon the black community. He talked about his grandmother and how she feared black men she passed on the street. He would cringe as she spoke racial stereotypes. I know I am greatly simplifying everything, but it really interesting to spin this speech over to "Obama's grandma is a racist." That is why I wrote that...

Arthur C Clark just died. He was 90. I never got around to reading his books, but he is supposed to be, like, one of the greatest scifi writers. He (like so many others...how odd) was able to "predict the future", like his idea of communication satellites. Maybe I will read 2001: a space odyssey...

speaking of reading...I wonder if the main character in the book I am reading (Absurdistan) will ever get over his penis. (so you know, as I find this funny, I needed spell check to spell penis right...) Seriously, he has a problem, his khui is of no importance to me, and I want him to get over it. Gosh.

oh..last thing: I am really proud to say on my English final I got a 7, 9, and 7 on my essays and 45/57 on my multiple choice. This became a high 4, so maybe the AP test will be okay. I hope...

That is enough rambling. I go sleep now. Tschues!

17 March 2008

"Chickens on skateboards," Kunselman joked as the room erupted in laughter.

Okay, I know I just blogged, like, a minute prior, but I had to comment on this. The radio just told me council members in Ann Arbor are discussing allowing inhabitants to keep chickens. This way people can have fresh eggs, which apparently taste better than store bought eggs.

just read this, and then you will know how skateboards come into it too.


Ann Arbor council members have too much time on their hands...tsk. (jk Amy if you ever read this)

The Number 23

So, I just finished watching "The Number 23" again. I seriously LOVE this movie. Jim Carrey always amuses me, but in this...wow! I admit, the script isn't the best, but I love it anyways! I just could not wait for the end, as I love when it all wraps up in the weird twisted way it does. Yay!
I just love all the extra places they add 23 to, like before he even reads the book it is on his radio and the busses and everything. And License plates! 023 5HJ is the license on his wife's friend's car. It means 23 23. I think his own car also added up. It rules!

BTW, I cannot make my own name into 23. Maybe I should try 32 or 5? hmmm
T = 20 H = 8 E = 5 R = 18 E = 5 S = 19 A = 1
Oh yeah, it is the whole name...
20 8 5 18 5 19 1 5 12 5 1 14 15 18 13 1 20 20 8 5 23 19
2+8+5+9+5+1+1 5+3+5+1+5+6+9 4+1+2+2+8+5+5+1
31 + 32 + 28 =91/2+2 (22 letters total)

= 22.75 which rounds to 23

ooOOOOoooo 23

A1 B2 C3 D4 E5 F6 G7 H8 I9 J10 K11 L12 M13 N14 O15 P16 Q17 R18 S19 T20 U21 V22 W23 X24 Y25 Z26

16 March 2008


So, I am going to try this again. It is that whole "all things old are new again." Legwarmers are back; Rachel, Corey and I all began ElfTown again; I am again on Blogger.

I make no promises on how often I write, how interesting my topics are or how high the quality is, but I will try to write on occasion.


This has been an extremely busy weekend. I have new classes, which I am enjoying more than I expected. I have finally found an art class I can actually do! Of course, it is Intro to Engineering and Design, but we have to draw free hand, so it counts. I am proud of my picture of a drawing of a ruler! It is to scale and everything. Unfortunately, I am a bit OCD about counting squares and kept freaking out when a line was supposed to be in the middle of a box, and it was one line off. I would not cut through the middle of boxes --my lines would not have been straight-- but I also could not distract myself from the uneven-ness of 7 boxes compared to 6. To prove my OCDness in this situation, I must inform you that these boxes had to be about half a centimeter or less. It was bad.

So my crazy weekend started Friday. I had no classes, as I instead went to the school for the deaf with the winterguard and drumline. It was pretty cool performing for them, and some of the kids seemed genuinely interested in us while we performed. Sadly, we were shown up by the drumline and their stupid vibrations. All these adorable kids came up to the floor and sat with balloons to feel the drums. Then they got to touch the drums while the drumline beat on them. These little kids touching the big bass drum kept freaking out and jumping back whenever Will hit it. It was really funny.

The interpreter lady signing everything Joe said was really cool, too. She seemed pretty funny, and had this really humorous attitude while signing. At one point a kid started crying, so she breaks from her signing of Joe's words to signing and pointing out the kid crying then went right back to Joe. It was sweet. Being at the school really renewed my old dream of being a teacher at a school for the hearing impaired.

After the performance we went to lunch and the room was really quiet, especially for a lunch room. It was really funny, because after all the deaf students left, we all started talking again. I think it was just we felt awkward talking while they all could not hear, y'know?
That evening we still had to practice. It sucked.

Saturday I went to Solo and Ensemble with Amy. We got a 1. It was sweet. I kind of did not expect it, as I personally kept screwing up, but I think Amy's playing and her use of Finale for our generated score saved us. The judge guy was pretty cool, though. Gave me some tips of my bow hand. (by tips I mean criticisms)

After I went home, then came back to get ready for a Winterguard competition. The show did not go so well (I personally screwed up bunches, although did not drop...wait no, I think I might have. I don't remember.) Luckily, we got third. The group that got second was really good. They are Exit 52, were just bumped up into our class and they have this really creepy show where they dance around with pictures of dead people. It is sad and creepy and makes one tear up while watching. The saddest part was where they show big versions of the pictures, and there is this little baby. So sad!

Today we had another competition. This one was more relaxed and went better, although was not perfect. We got last, which was first. Go being the only one in your class! The really neat thing was the individual competitions. There was this stick girl who somehow had enough muscle to toss a rifle, but I cannot comprehend where that strength came from. She looked as though I could break her in two. Scary.

After the competition I watched TV. We saw something involving curry, so I convinced my mum to make curry. This meant we experienced the creepy sensation of smelling really good curry cooking while watching it on TV. I was almost like smell-o-vision, as my sister and I kept forgetting curry was actually cooking at home.

Uhhh...so that was the longest post of my life. I left out that I talked to Corey about every night online. I figure he will read this, so I don't want him to feel left out. Oh! I got new shoes. I like them. They are covered in squares. If you got bored and skipped down to here, I don't mind, if not, thanx for reading? Although it was prolly redundant. idk.

Oh! corey, Rachel, what are your new Elftown account names again? That is, if you read this before I ask you at school (if I remember)

ciao then, or Tschues or Goodbye or (place appropriate word in other language here)